Sunday, April 25, 2010

Extra sweet prayers

In Primary today, I taught a lesson about dares. Specifically not taking a dare unless it's like I dare you to choose the right. The manual says to end the lesson with an incident where you may have taken a dare and what the results were. When I was 11 I was dared to steal a pack of gum and I did and I got in a whole bunch of trouble and stolen gum tastes horrible. So I tell this story and the kids (all 4 year-olds) look at me like I have two heads. At the end of the class, the little girl who gave the prayer asked Heavenly Father sincerely to help Sister Malm from stealing gum.


  1. Did your mom make you chew it all at once or something? No wonder you have an issue with gum and gum smacking. It all makes sense now. :)

  2. That is so cute! Such fun teaching that age :)

  3. That is hilarious! I know you'll be strong, Beth! But we'll all keep you in our prayers (just teasing!). I love that story.
