Monday, December 15, 2008

Down right cold!

Apparently it was -18 degrees last night. Jon and Meg stood out in the -5 degree cold, waiting for the bus. After 10 minutes after it should have come they and Marie came home. I said I would take them after I woke up Mike to watch the little kids. We waited 25 minutes in a traffic jam to the school- no buses could start this morning. The news said that our school district was sorry and that they would start the buses throughout the night so they won't freeze up tonight. Good thinking. I think it's suppose to be artic cold for another few days what I would do for 78 degree weather...


  1. Hmmm, now I know why all the middle school kids were still at the bus stop when I got back from taking Haley to school. What a nightmare!

  2. Yes, a very confusing morning. I happened to check the school website at 7:45 and it said all schools were on a delayed start!! Clint had already left to take the little kids to the elementary school and I called him and told him to walk them in in case it was a delayed start- (which it wasn't, after all) and meanwhile I called the middle school where they told me it was no delayed start just late buses- so go ahead and take your kid to school!! We took David then, luckily, it sounds like it was a nightmare later.

  3. I'm jealous. At least you guys get a fluffy reward for your cold. Down here, it's just... cold... =b
