Saturday, August 8, 2009

What have we done this summer?

Play games like hide and seek- I'm not happy when the game centers around my car keys.
Clean the floors and the house.
Mary says,"I can't do the password!"
Eat zucchini's every meal.
Jon plays computer games and listens to books downloaded from the library.
Kelly is the girl with the insatiable desire to ride her bike. It shouldn't surprise me when she was the child who rode off after we took her training wheels off her bike a few years ago.
Patrick bought a Star Wars game for PC with his birthday money. (His b-day was in January- he parts with his money slowly.)
Kenny is such a sweetheart he waters his brothers and sisters with the hose. Kenny!
We have splashed around at the pool. We have had our pool cards since 2002- the life guard was impressed that we hadn't lost them. (Megan's picture is when she was 4 and looks like the Dotes but we have it.)

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to addcamping!!! Mary, Kelly andAdam have gone almost everytime we have. Summer is fun with the motorhome and grandchildren.
