Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Centennial Cannery?

We've been on the cannery's list since August to get the canner. Since Mike needs to eat organically grown food, we cannot buy the cannery's food nor will they let us can it in their facility. So a few of us ordered some grain (800 pounds) from an organic storehouse, got 23 boxes, 138 cans, 138 lids and 138 oxygen packs and hauled it all home with the borrowed canner. Well, the canner was broken and Mike had to go get it fixed at the cannery this afternoon. So we'll try to get the party going again tomorrow. In the meantime I need to keep the kids out of the cans, boxes and all the other stuff. Great.


  1. Wow! I couldn't even imagine doing that at my house. But I guess you have to do what you have to do. Here's happy thoughts for a canner that works!

  2. Wow! You are going to feel good when that is all done!
