Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Spaghetti and Meatball kind of day

Kenny didn't want the spaghetti he wanted the meatballs. (Food storage premade meatballs... not my favorite.)
Adam refuses to go get dirty bottles under the crib because it is his "day off". When's my day off?

Kenny didn't really want to eat anything until I gave him a licorice stick- all that nutrition and red sticky hands too!
A boring dinner of spaghetti and a salad for a boring day.
Mary and Lily go on a playdate to the 50 cent movies. Mary calls her "My Lily".

1 comment:

  1. Kenny looks like Megan at the same age! My little Adam knows a good excuse when he sees one. My little Mary is beautiful...I miss being with her. Nana
